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An adequate command-line random password generator.

Linux Build Status macOS Build Status



The easiest way is via Homebrew.

brew tap mraffonso/randpass
brew install randpass

From source

Use the provided Makefile to build a production release.


Then you can copy the binary to a location in your $PATH. For example:

mkdir -p $HOME/bin
cp build/randpass $HOME/bin

If it still does not work make sure the path is in your $PATH.

# If you use bash
echo 'export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/bin"' >> .bashrc
# Or if you use ZSH
echo 'export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/bin"' >> .zshrc



randpass is very simple and there are only three types of arguments it accepts for password generation.

Argument Description Default
length List all new or modified files 8
charsets Show file differences that haven’t been staged dlsu
count List all new or modified files 1x

OK, so how do these charsets work? It’s also very simple, you simply specity a string of the charset codes you wish to use.

Code Charset Characters
b Binary 01
d Digits 0123456789
l Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
s Special ! "#$\%\&'()*+,-./:\;<=>\?\@[\]\^_`{|}~


In addition to the customary --help and --version, and their shorter variants (-h and -v), there is also a --charsets option (-c for short) that lists all available charsets.

randpass --charsets # Shows available charsets
randpass -c         # Also shows available charsets
randpass --help     # Shows help
randpass -h         # Also shows help
randpass --version  # Shows version
randpass -v         # Also shows version


A password 8 chracters long, with digits, lowercase, uppercase and specials (the default settings).

randpass # PdXwQG|"
# Is the same as
randpass 8 dlsu 1x # lP]|;i7/

A password 20 characters long with digits, lowercase and uppercase.

Note: It is not necessary to specify 1x, since that’s the default.

randpass 20 dlu # PoCuQuVJ0rayYvOYWxcD
# OR in a different order, because order does not matter
randpass udl 20 # EEKL3lJXLhMVHf9CPzCV

A password 16 characters long with binary only.

randpass 16 b # 1110011101010110

Four passwords 12 characters long with digits, lowercase, uppercase and specials.

Note: It is not necessary to specify dlsu since that’s the default.

randpass 12 4x
# z9eSPsS;&zh_
# Ui+G8p3XWnxq
# }o@@!r_,9YTG
# SYLh{:5Dt;>Y


To develop randpass you’ll need Crystal which is the only requirement.


All specs can by run with.

crystal spec


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am ‘Add some feature’)
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request



randpass is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.